One of the countries covered in the Tropic of Capricon is Brazil. Brazil is a densely populated country from the continent of South America. In terms of physiography, the country can be divided into two parts – the Amazon basin and the Brazilian plateau.

The highest peak in Brazil is Pico da Neblina and its height is 3014 m.index

As the country is located in the tropics. The climate is cool in the plateau region. Due to nearness to the sea, summers are mild and humid in the coastal region and winters are dry.Due to abundant sunlight and sufficient rainfall, we see evergreen equatorial forests in the Amazon basin. These are called Selvas.

The tree density is so high that the trees have to compete in order to get sunlight. Some trees are as tall as 90m. Sunlight does not reach the ground as branches of the tree block its penetration. Therefore, it is dark in the lower portions of the forest.

Agriculture is the main occupation of people from palteau region. Coffee, cocoa, rubber,tobacco,cotton,sugarcane are cuktivated on a commercial basis. cocoa is the other important  crop. About 95% of cocoa is produced in the Bahia province in the east.


Countries covered in Tropic of Capricon

This blog is about the countries covered in the Tropic of Capricon, but before that here is a little information about the Tropic of Capricon.
The Tropic of Capricorn is the circle of latitude that contains the subsolar point on the December solstice. It is thus the southernmost latitude where the Sun can be directly overhead. Its northern equivalent is the Tropic of Cancer.

The Tropic of Capricorn is the dividing line between the southern temperate zone to the south and the tropics to the north. The nothern hemisphere equivalent of the Tropic of Capricorn is the Tropic of Cancer.

The position of the Tropic of Capricorn is not fixed, but rather it varies in a complex manner over time.The word “tropic” itself comes from the Greek trope, meaning turn, change in direction or circumstances, referring to the fact that the sun appears to “turn back” at the solstices.

The Tropic of Capricorn, or world map.JPGSouthern tropic, is one of the five major circles of latitude of a map of the Earth. It is 23 26′ 22″ south of the Equator.

It marks the most southerly latitude at which the sun can appear directly overhead. This happens at the December solstice, when the southern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun to its maximum extent.

The Tropic of Capricorn goes in these countries, starting at the prime meridian and going west: Brazil, Paraguay,Argentina,Chile,Tonga,French Polynesia,Australia,Coral Sea Island Territory, Madagascar,Mozambique,South Africa,Botswana,Namibia,French Polynesia.

I shall be posting more about the countries in the Tropic of Capricon.